Latest Episodes

2022-10-IHTSB-October- 30 Duke Ellington, Artie Shaw, Bob Crosby...
Today's show showcases big bands from the 1930s to the 1950s. They were a defining feature of the music scene at this time, from...

2022-10-IHTSB-October 23 Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, Doris Day...
Today's show is a selection of recordings from the 1930s to the 1960s, showcasing some of the great voices around at the time. Singers...

2022 10 IHTSB October 16 Teddy Wilson, Bobby Hackett, Roy Eldridge...
IHTSB Oct 16, 2022 We listen today to jazz trumpeters in recordings from the 1930s to the 1950s. Today's show is the third in...

2022 IHTSB October 09
IHTSB Oct 9, 2022 Following on from last week's show featuring jazz pianists, on today's program we showcase jazz clarinetists in recordings from the...

2022 10 IHTSB October 02
On today's show we feature a line up of jazz pianists in recordings from the 1930s to the 1950s. These immensely talented and versatile...

2018 02 IHTSB February 11