2023-04-IHTSB-April-16 Some of todays featured musicians include bandleader Artie Shaw, sax player Benny Carter, and vocalist Buddy Clark...

April 16, 2023 00:57:13
2023-04-IHTSB-April-16 Some of todays featured musicians include bandleader Artie Shaw, sax player Benny Carter, and vocalist Buddy Clark...
I've Heard That Song Before (IHTSB)
2023-04-IHTSB-April-16 Some of todays featured musicians include bandleader Artie Shaw, sax player Benny Carter, and vocalist Buddy Clark...

Apr 16 2023 | 00:57:13


Show Notes

Our show today features singers, orchestras and small jazz groups in recordings from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Among our jazz groups we’ll hear from the Quintette of the Hot club of France, Billy Kyle and his Big Eight as well as groups led by Bob Wilber and Mel Powell. Ambrose and his orchestra join […]

Other Episodes

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Episode Cover

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This week's show features some of the very talented jazz musicians in recordings they made in small group formats during the 1930s, 1940s and...


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October 30, 2022 00:57:01
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2022-10-IHTSB-October- 30 Duke Ellington, Artie Shaw, Bob Crosby...

Today's show showcases big bands from the 1930s to the 1950s. They were a defining feature of the music scene at this time, from...


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Episode Cover

2021 IHTSB 05 May 30 Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Bing Crosby ...

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