IHTSB Oct 9, 2022
Following on from last week's show featuring jazz pianists, on today's program we showcase jazz clarinetists in recordings from the 1920s to the 1940s. Though the clarinet was to some extent eclipsed in small group sessions in later years by the saxophone, there were some immensely talented and versatile clarinet players on the music scene, often leading groups and orchestras, and decidedly a mainstay of the music field. We hear them both as part of the performance as a whole and also in brilliantly executed solo pieces. We listen to their contribution to the rendition of a selection of jazz standards, as well, of course, to the work of all the other wonderful musicians with them in the studio!! Enjoy some classic jazz!
Artist Year Song Time
IHTSB Aug 29, 20211 Count Basie 1938 Sent For You Yesterday 2:592 Artie Shaw And His New Music 1939 Lover, Come Back to Me...
IHTSB Sep 18, 2022 On this week's show we celebrate the beginning of autumn, which will start on Thursday, September 22. 2022 this year....